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What is beer ball?

Beer ball is a drinking game that consists of players throwing a ping pong ball at their opponent’s beer can, as they race to see which team can finish their drinks first. The rules of the game are easy to follow, which makes it a great drinking game for any party. It’s fast-paced, requires minimal supplies and set up, and can be played indoors or outdoors. If you’re looking for your new favorite drinking game, this is perfect for you!

If you were looking to order yourself one of those awesome Coors Light beer ball from back in the day, let us know where you find them, because we want one too.

Beer ball set up and supplies

To play beer ball, you’ll need a ping pong ball, a table to play on, and four unopened beer cans. That’s it! If you’re looking for a drinking game that doesn’t require a deck of cards, this one’s for you.


This game is usually 2v2, but you could play 1v1 if you’d like. If you’re playing one-on-one you’ll only need two beers.

How to play

To start the game off, one team stands on one side of the table, while the other team stands opposite of them. Each player puts their unopened beer can in their corner of the table.

  1. First teams must decide which team starts the game. This can be done by a game of rock-paper-scissors, a coin toss, or a good ol’ fashion chug off. Not an old fashion chug off- well you can if you want. 
  2. Once it’s decided which team goes first, teams rotate throwing the ball at their opponent’s beer cans.
  3. If you throw the ping pong ball and don’t hit either beer can, nothing happens, and the other team throws. 
  4. Once a player hits one of their opponent’s beer cans, they open their beer and start chugging. You’ll want to drink your beer as fast as possible since the goal of the game is to be the first team that finishes their beers. 
  5. If you’re on the defending team and an opponent’s throw hits your beer can, then you must grab the ball and place it on the table as fast as possible. Once the ball is placed on the table, the thrower must stop drinking their beer.
  6. Once you finish your beer, you’re out of the game. Once both players on the same team finish their beers, they win the game. 

While the game is simple, it’s sure to be one of your favorites. This game is great for people who like a bit of competition and skill with their drinking games. It makes for a great addition to any Beer Olympics party as well.

Variations of beer ball

Now that you have the basics of how to play, here are a few ways to mix it up:

First, while you can play 2v2 or 1v1, there’s really no limit to the number of players who can participate in a beer ball battle. You just need an even number of players so you can split the teams evenly.

Another variation includes your teammate drinking when your throw hits the opponent’s beer can. This adds a little more teamwork to the game.

If you really want to get wild, you can add multiple beer cans per player on the table. Each side should match where they place their cans on the table. When a player hits one of their opponent’s beer can, they can only consume their matching beer can. This is a fun variation to play if you need to pre-game in a short amount of time.


Beer ball is an exciting drinking game that has a simple set up and is easy to learn. It’s sure to provide plenty of entertainment for your party and is a must for any college party! You can add your own rules or variations to the game if you’d like to mix it up. If there’s a beer ball rule that you like to use, let us know in the comments!

Be sure to check out our other drinking games, and as always, please party responsibly!


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